Website Traffic Analysis
There are numerous traffic and statistical analysis software options available today at a variety of price points. We recommend Google Analytics to our clients as it is a very powerful traffic analysis tool that is reliable, free to use, and it just keeps getting better over time.
Regular, detailed website traffic analysis enables us to:
- improve the user-friendliness of our clients’ websites
- adjust our search engine optimization suggestions for continued improvement
- react quickly to the loss of an important traffic source.
Expert Traffic Analysis Service
Generally, we do not sell website traffic analysis service as a standalone product. Instead, it is a major piece of our SEO & online marketing packages; however we welcome custom projects based on our hourly rate. One example of a custom job related to traffic analysis would be to work with your hosting provider to implement a stats package if you do not currently have one with your site. Another example would be for us to perform a historical review of your web site statistics to help you answer questions you had about your web site and how your visitors are interacting with your pages.
Website analytics packages offer data. Data by itself has no real value. Only after data is analyzed and interpreted does it become useful information. Pittsburgh Internet Consulting has extensive website traffic analysis experience. We know how to use the information to drive more traffic to your website and increase goal conversions.