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Growth Marketing Agency

Innovative and Measurable Marketing Strategies

Aligning Marketing and Sales for Growth

An effective, growth-oriented marketing program is comprehensive, customer-focused, guided by analytics, and flexible. PIC’s innovative Growth Roadmap continues far beyond the top of the funnel. We help to guide and play an active role in your growth initiatives from brand awareness, through the sales and services processes, and beyond, to establish your business as an industry growth leader.

Growth Marketing Strategies

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy.
Our efforts are tailored to your ideal customer profiles and market segments and employ creative vision and objective data to achieve your objectives.

We recognize and emphasize that growth is a process and doesn’t happen in a silo. That’s why our cross-functional teams work with your team to conduct research, determine goals and priorities, and allocate resources as needed to foster real, measurable growth.

You share your vision and provide subject matter expertise. We supply a proven process, experience, and leadership. Together, we build a sustainable competitive advantage for your business. 


Brand Narrative

Define how your business identifies itself and speaks to the market.

Hero Building

Understand the perspective and motivating factors of your ideal customer.

Competitive Advantage

Establish an approach to the market that communicates your value proposition.


Mission Building

Understand the Missions your Hero is trying to complete and how they align with your business.

Story Building

The creation of assets that helps your Hero complete their Missions and positions you as an expert and trusted authority.

Launch Pad Website

Your foundational website platform built to scale over time based on user analysis and data observations.


Growth-Driven Design

Defining and executing themes for improvements to your website: Establish, Optimize, or Expand.

Growth Enablement

Creating a scalable growth automation machine that will help you efficiently grow your presence int the market.

Growth Leader

Establishing you as a voiceand leader in the market.




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Hero Mission Strategy®

Effective marketing strategies must begin with a focus on the customer, and even more importantly, what the customer is seeking to accomplish. Our unique Hero Mission Strategy goes beyond the marketing persona to truly define your prospects—the Heroes—and what they need to accomplish their Mission. We help you take the buyer’s point-of-view with your marketing initiatives, communicating why your business offers the solution they need to complete their mission successfully.
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Marketing and Sales Alignment

After your Heroes and their Missions are clearly defined, we implement your marketing strategy, aligning your marketing and sales teams through effective Inbound Marketing and outbound Account-Based Marketing programs. PIC works with you to develop, implement, and continuously improve Inbound and ABM strategies that make it easy for your ideal prospects to find you and enable your sales team to close sales with a higher level of efficiency.

Growth Marketing Services 

Implementing your marketing and sales strategies and meeting your objectives requires expertise in a wide range of disciplines.

You’ll also need to have the right tech stack in place to operate efficiently and provide the accurate, comprehensive analytics required to make informed decisions.

The PIC team can help you implement your marketing strategy, align Marketing and Sales, supplement your current marketing operations with expert consultation and the specific services you need:

Growth Marketing Successes 

The following are just a few examples of how PIC has helped organizations like yours improve their marketing, generate quality sales leads, and meet their growth objectives. 


Download our FREE How to Build a Marketing Budget Guide!

And receive a copy of our How to Run an Inbound Marketing Campaign checklist

More Than Just Great Websites. Marketing Strategies For Growth.

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