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A Leading SEO Company

SEO makes your audience come to you. Let us show you how.

Why you should invest in SEO

When website traffic is stagnant or declining, and visitors aren’t relevant or converting, poor SEO is often the culprit. SEO allows your business’s website, products, and services to show up in search result pages (SERPs) when your customers and clients are searching for them. Without a properly optimized website, you won’t receive the organic (i.e. free) search traffic from Google that will ultimately convert into customers and clients.

With comprehensive SEO services from PIC, your website benefits via improved visibility across all major search engines. These SEO services generate:

  • Increased organic traffic (i.e. free traffic)
  • A higher-quality audience
  • A result in more conversions and loyal customers
Why you should invest in SEO
Download SEO Performance Worksheet

Download SEO Performance Worksheet

Is your current SEO strategy performing as it should? Our simple worksheet will help you analyze the performance and quality of your content, keywords, and organic traffic.

Download Worksheet

Components of Search Engine Optimization

As a leading SEO company, we work closely with each client to establish a holistic SEO strategy that matches the needs of your company. This strategy is built to improve on-site and off-site SEO components making your site more attractive to search engines.

On-Site SEO

At PIC, we understand the foundation of any SEO strategy is with on-page optimization. A successful SEO strategy starts with its roots buried deep in keyword research, content, website structure, and on-page optimization.

Once the basics are taken care of, you can move along to a full content strategy and off-page optimization such as local citations, outreach, and link building - all critical to your internet marketing strategy.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

At PIC, we understand the foundation of any SEO strategy is with on-page optimization. A successful SEO strategy starts with its roots buried deep in keyword research, content, website structure, and on-page optimization.

Once the basics are taken care of, you can move along to a full content strategy and off-page optimization such as local citations, outreach, and link building - all critical to your internet marketing strategy.

Website Structure

The structure of your website not only affects your SEO, but also your users’ experiences. A website that doesn’t allow your visitors to flow from one page to another isn’t properly organized and structured, which can lead to less than optimal search rankings and user behavior, which is also a ranking factor.

A website that silos products and services into categories not only helps Google understand the relationship and relevance of each page to your overall business, but also provides structure to your website that helps visitors find what they are looking for, which ensures a positive user experience.

Website Structure

On-Page Factors

On-page SEO is a catch-all term to include anything and everything done with the site (including a mobile friendly, responsive design) that affects SEO and search engine rankings including:

Page Speed

Page speed can be measured in a few different ways, but it’s typically discussed in terms of how long it takes to completely load the content on a single page of your website.

Page Speed

Page speed is important for two reasons:

  • Search engines use page speed to help determine page rankings. Additionally, a slow page speed makes it more difficult for search engines to crawl your website and may hurt your indexation.
  • Pages that take longer to load hurt the user experience, leading to a lower average time on the page and higher bounce rates.

There are several ways to increase your page speed, including (but not limited to):

  •  Optimizing Images: Images should be no larger than necessary and should be compressed for the web. If images aren’t optimized properly, they drastically slow down page load time.
  • CSS/JS/HTML Optimization: Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files by removing unused code and unnecessary characters can drastically help to improve page speed.
  • CDN Usage: Content distribution networks (CDNs) are server networks that store and deliver different assets of your site (e.g. images) to website visitors based on their location. Leveraging CDNs is an efficient, simple way to improve your page speed and overall site speed.


Search Engine Index Review

 We regularly review how our client’s sites are being indexed by search engines as well as how certain settings and configurations are impacting search spiders crawling the site.

Our team weeds through improperly set canonicals, misfiring redirects, robots.txt configurations, and other factors to determine where improvements can be made. Cleaning up these areas makes the job easier for search engines when they crawl your site and lead to an organized, clean index that can benefit your organic rankings in SERPs.

Off-Site SEO

Off-Site SEO consists of strategies aimed at obtaining links and traffic from another site. If a website has good on-page SEO, it might not necessarily need a robust off-site SEO strategy. When it is necessary, we can devise strategies to help build links and awareness to your website.


There are multiple factors that Google take into consideration local search rankings are reviews. Google reviews are your best bet because they show up in the search result, but reviews on Facebook, Yelp and other websites can also help, depending on your business and industry.

Outreach & Link Building

Tired of being lost in the digital crowd? Our strategic Outreach & Link Building service will propel your brand to the forefront. We secure high-impact backlinks from industry leaders, boosting your search ranking and organic traffic.

Forget generic tactics. We build genuine connections through personalized outreach, earning trust and enhancing your online authority. Let us craft a robust link profile that fuels your business growth.

Local Citations/Business Directories

If you operate a business that services a certain location, you need to build local citations. Local citations are listings on websites and directories such as Google Business Profile, Yelp, Yellowbook and other city and industry-specific directories.

We will build your local listings on all the major directories as well as find some city and industry specific directories that will help your local search rankings.

Off-Site SEO
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