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How to Write a Marketing & Sales SLA

Inbound Marketing | | 14 minute read


One of the persistent challenges organizations face is the misalignment between marketing and sales teams. Misalignment can lead to missed opportunities, decreased efficiency, and hindered growth. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of a Marketing & Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) as a strategic tool to foster collaboration and drive organizational success.

Challenges businesses face with misalignment between Sales and Marketing 

Establishing harmony between sales and marketing teams proves to be a significant hurdle for numerous organizations. Due to potential disparities in goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) used to assess performance, divergent objectives can lead to conflicting strategies, thereby impeding the attainment of overarching organizational goals. Furthermore, lack of effective communication between the teams can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and a failure to capitalize on market trends. 

Collaboration between marketing and sales is crucial for organizational success. This synergy forms the foundation for achieving goals and driving overall growth. A unified customer experience emerges as marketing and sales work together, providing consistent messaging throughout the customer journey and building trust and loyalty. 

The Need for Marketing and Sales Alignment 


The misalignment of marketing and sales teams can create a ripple effect throughout the entire customer acquisition process. It can lead to a less effective lead generation process, lower conversion rates, and ultimately impact the overall revenue-generating capabilities of the organization.  

The buyer's journey has undergone a significant transformation, with customers now engaging with brands across various channels and conducting extensive research before making purchasing decisions. This shift requires marketing and sales to work cohesively, ensuring a consistent and personalized experience throughout the customer's exploration and decision-making process. The evolving nature of the buyer's journey underscores the imperative for a unified and collaborative approach between marketing and sales teams. A holistic strategy aligns marketing and sales efforts, increasing the likelihood of successful conversions, and creating long-term customer relationships. 

Many large companies have already mastered the alignment of their teams and exemplify a cohesive relationship between sales and marketing: 

  • HubSpot is a leading provider of inbound marketing and sales software that emphasizes the importance of alignment between marketing and sales through integrated platforms, shared data, and common goals. Their focus on alignment has contributed to its rapid growth. By creating a shared understanding of the buyer's journey, marketing and sales teams work to attract and engage customers.  
  • Adobe, a global leader in creative software, has invested in aligning marketing and sales through integrated technologies and shared analytics. They focus on creating a seamless experience for customers across various channels. Adobe's alignment has been pivotal in driving customer engagement and loyalty. By leveraging data-driven insights, marketing and sales teams collaborate to deliver targeted messages, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Salesforce, a global CRM platform, also places a strong emphasis on the collaboration between marketing and sales teams. They use their own platform to streamline communication and share insights across departments. Marketing data is integrated with sales processes, ensuring that the right leads are prioritized, and sales teams have the necessary information to close deals effectively.  

These companies underline how a unified approach can strengthen the relationship between the two teams, and in return can improve company performance and customer satisfaction. To achieve long-lasting success, specific changes need to be made, and a Marketing & Sales Service Level Agreement can help with achieving alignment between the departments. Let’s take a closer look at what an SLA is and how it can benefit teams and companies. 

Marketing and Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) 

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a formalized contract or agreement between two or more parties that outlines the specific services, standards, and expectations that will be provided. In the context of marketing and sales collaboration, an SLA establishes the terms, responsibilities, and metrics to ensure a common understanding of goals and procedures. Its role in promoting a cooperative team environment is to create a structured framework that enhances communication, aligns objectives, and promotes accountability between marketing and sales teams. 

Components & Implementation of an Effective SLA  

A Marketing & Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and metrics agreed upon by both departments. While components may vary based on organizational needs, they should always be clearly identified. This will ensure successful implementation and assist in aligning sales and marketing. 

Collaborative Development - Involve key stakeholders from marketing and sales in the creation of the SLA. This ensures that the agreement reflects the unique needs and goals of each department and fosters a sense of ownership.  

Define Lead Stages and Criteria - Clearly outline the different stages of a lead's journey and the specific criteria that define each stage. This includes explicit definitions for marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) and sales-qualified leads (SQLs) to avoid confusion. 

Set Realistic and Measurable Goals - Establish goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are realistic, measurable, and aligned with overall organizational objectives. These could include lead conversion rates, sales cycle duration, and revenue targets. 

Determine Lead Handoff Processes - Define the processes for handing off leads from marketing to sales, specifying the information that should accompany each lead. This ensures a smooth transition and provides sales teams with the necessary context for effective follow-up. 

Establish Communication Protocols - Clearly outline communication protocols between marketing and sales teams. Specify how and when teams should communicate, including regular meetings for reviewing SLA performance, discussing challenges, and strategizing for improvement. 

Include Escalation Procedures - Develop procedures for handling leads that do not meet the agreed-upon criteria. Include escalation steps to address discrepancies or challenges, ensuring that both teams can collaborate on solutions. 

Leverage Technology - Utilize CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and marketing automation tools to automate processes, track key metrics, and facilitate data sharing between marketing and sales. Technology can enhance the efficiency of SLA implementation.  

The Value of a Robust SLA 

A well-defined SLA ensures that marketing and sales teams have a shared understanding of lead criteria. Clarity leads to the generation of higher-quality leads as marketing focuses on delivering prospects that meet the agreed-upon standards. Consequently, sales teams receive leads more likely to convert into customers.  

With clearly outlined lead handoff criteria and a streamlined process, sales teams can swiftly identify and engage with qualified leads. The sales cycle is accelerated by reducing delays and minimizing the time spent on leads that do not meet the predefined criteria. As a result, organizations can capitalize on opportunities more efficiently. The combination of improved lead quality and faster sales cycles contributes to increased revenue. Marketing efforts are aligned with sales objectives, ensuring that the leads generated are more likely to be converted into paying customers. The efficiency gained from a well-defined SLA results in a more effective conversion process, positively impacting the bottom line.

Further, an SLA promotes consistency in messaging across marketing and sales efforts, creating a seamless experience for customers as they transition from being prospects to engaged leads and, eventually, satisfied customers. Consistent messaging contributes to building trust and reinforcing the brand image. 

The defined lead handoff criteria in an SLA ensure that sales teams promptly follow up on qualified leads. Timely and relevant communication enhances the customer experience by addressing their needs when they are actively engaged. This responsiveness contributes to customer satisfaction and a positive perception of the brand. With shared data and insights facilitated by the SLA, marketing and sales teams can deliver more personalized interactions. Understanding customer preferences and behaviors allows for tailored communication, addressing individual needs and providing a more satisfying customer experience. 

Lastly, an SLA aligns the goals of marketing and sales teams with overall organizational objectives to ensure that both departments work collaboratively toward common goals, ensuring a synergistic approach to growth. By eliminating inefficiencies and streamlining processes, an SLA enables more efficient resource allocation. Marketing budgets are directed toward strategies that generate high-quality leads, and sales teams focus their efforts on leads with higher conversion potential.  

Regular reviews and adjustments to the SLA facilitate a culture of continuous improvement. Teams can analyze performance metrics, identify areas for enhancement, and adapt strategies to evolving market conditions. The commitment to ongoing improvement positions the organization for sustained growth and success. 

An SLA Can Streamline Communication, Improve Accountability, and Boost Efficiency 

An SLA establishes a common language and set of expectations between marketing and sales. Regular meetings to review the SLA promote ongoing communication, allowing teams to discuss challenges, share insights, and collaborate on strategies. The shared vision reduces misunderstandings and enhances overall communication efficiency.  

With defined metrics and expectations, an SLA the marketing and sales teams accountable for their respective roles in the lead generation and conversion process. Each team understands its responsibilities and is aware of the impact their actions have on the overall success of the organization. This clarity promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility.  

By clearly outlining lead definitions and handoff criteria, an SLA ensures that marketing is delivering leads that meet the criteria for sales readiness. The targeted approach reduces the time sales teams spend on unqualified leads and enables them to focus on high-potential opportunities. The result is a more efficient and effective lead-to-customer conversion process. 

Importance of Ongoing Communication


Consistent communication guarantees strategic alignment. By cultivating trust and camaraderie, it encourages the exchange of knowledge and contributes to a well-rounded understanding of the customer journey. For organizations dedicated to delivering a unified customer experience, persistent communication becomes crucial for the sharing of customer insights and preferences between the marketing and sales teams. Ultimately, ongoing communication stands as the linchpin for upholding a collaborative and adaptable environment of business. Some steps you can take to improve communication include:  

  • Scheduling regular meetings to review SLA performance, discuss results, and address any challenges or adjustments needed.  
  • Encouraging the continuous sharing of data and insights between marketing and sales teams.  
  • Establishing open communication channels for quick and efficient exchange of information. Whether through shared platforms, messaging tools, or regular email updates, open communication facilitates a collaborative environment. 

Download Our Free Sample SLA 

If you're seeking guidance on aligning your sales and marketing teams, take the next step by downloading our sample Service Level Agreement (SLA). Unlock the strategies and insights essential for improving efficiency and boosting overall success. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your business dynamics! 

You will receive access to two customizable SLA examples for immediate implementation, establishing transparent expectations to foster collaboration and accountability, along with a sample cadence meeting agenda to uphold focus and streamline communication. 

Utilize a Service Level Agreement to align your Marketing and Sales Teams  

Effective teamwork between marketing and sales is essential for organizational success, ensuring a unified approach towards shared goals. An SLA serves as a structured framework, defining roles, expectations, and metrics. It creates a strong partnership which, in turn, improves lead quality, shortens sales cycles, increases revenue, and enhances the customer experience. 

Alignment between marketing and sales has a transformative impact on business success. It leads to efficient resource allocation, streamlined processes, and a synergistic approach to achieving organizational objectives. A collaborative culture facilitates faster decision-making, improved customer satisfaction, and adaptive responses to market changes, ultimately driving sustained business growth. 

Download PIC’s sample SLA to initiate the journey toward enhanced collaboration and increased revenue. You may also want to read: Stop the Blame Game: How to Align Sales & Marketing for Unstoppable Success

Don't miss the chance to align for success!


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Isabel Tobin

Isabel has been a Digital Marketing freelancer with PIC since 2022. She graduated from Texas A&M University in 2017 and currently resides in Washington State, where she balances her career with the roles of military spouse and mother of two.

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