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A Simple Email that Attracts Google Reviews

email that attracts google reviews

If you’ve fallen behind the competition when it comes to Google reviews–or other types of reviews–for your business, we’ve found an easy solution that has worked for several of our clients:

  1. Create a List:
    Start by identifying the email addresses of customers that are likely happy enough to leave a positive review for your business.

  2. Prepare an Email: 
    Write a sincere email thanking these customers for their business and politely ask them to take the time to write a review for your business.

  3. Link to Your Review Page:
    Make everything easier by adding a link to your email that sends clickers to the proper review page. The fewer steps your customers have to take, the better.
Break down your list into groups of about 30 emails and send the email out weekly. This prevents an influx of reviews that might appear spammy. It also gives you time to respond personally to each review.

For one client, two separate email sends to 37 total customers resulted in 7 new reviews on Google. That’s a 19% success rate!

If you’re interested in garnering more positive reviews for your business,
let PIC know and we can get started.

contact us to learn more

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